Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Energy In Colours

Don't you just hate grey cold days? Miserable and absolutely devoid of colour. I was griping today to someone on Facebook about this latest cold snap, and how depressing it is. Yes it was even getting to me as well which is an unknown thing as I am usually of a sunny nature.
A little while later I was in the bedroom leaning up against the radiator for warmth, looking out of the window when the sun came out from behind the clouds.
Slowly at first, I began to feel less in the dumps and within a few of minutes was feeling really good. Now I know that a bit of sun on you can do you the power of good, but I actually was feeling uplifted and sort of energised. I looked around me Intrigued to know why I was suddenly feeling so much better when I noticed a beautiful rainbow right over my heart Chakra, a reflection from the hanging crystal in the bedroom window which was being absorbed through my aura and into my heart centre. It's colourful vibrations were having an effect on my whole being.
It was an eye opener about all the colour therapy and crystal workshops and courses I attended, which had somehow been filed away in the drawers of my mind and forgotten about. I had to act upon it of course, as my life work is to promote healing and bring guidance to everyone for their highest good.

Bringing some colour into a dull grey day is like turning on a light. If you are cold, wearing warm colours like reds, oranges and yellows will have an effect on how you feel inside and out.
A couple of nights ago I was feeling a little deflated and low in energy. A friend mentioned holding some orange crystals to warm me up and give me some energy. I went and found some orange calcite, a couple of carnelian tumble stones, and some amber. I sat and held these stones, turning them over in my hands until they began to pulse, and I could feel the energy warming me and lifting my spirits. A great uplifting experience for anyone feeling tired, cold or low in energy.
It also works in reverse if you are anxious, stressed, or hyper, having too much energy. Holding Amethyst, Blue Lace Agate, and Rose Quartz will have a calming and balancing effect as it tunes into your own persoal energy system, which in turn will allow you to feel calm and relaxed. Wearing cool colours also have the same effect.
I used to have a conservatory where the top opening windows had a pattern on them in blue, mauve and green. When the sun shone through the windows, the colours were reflected all around the conservatory, and on the floor. We only had One dog back then, but we also had five cats. They would all seek out these colours to lay in, sometimes all laying together in the one spot of colour. They hadn't been on any colour therapy courses, they just seemed to have a built in knowing that the colour vibration and its energy was beneficial to them.

Back in history, some churches with stained glass windows would have healing times scheduled so that they corresponded with the strength of the sunlight that shone through them, seating people that were poorly to be bathed in the colours that streamed in.
We are all energy and we all vibrate and resonate at different frequencies, and the frequencies of different colours, tune into us, to bring balance back to our lives, for a whole, beneficial, healing experience.
More on Colour at a later date. Hope you enjoyed this snippet.
Love, light n laughter
Trish xx

Monday, 4 March 2013


Hello lovely ones.

Today I am having a little rant. I strongly believe everyone has choices. Sometime we make the wrong choice, sometimes we make a choice out of respect for another person's feelings, and sometimes we make happy choices which change our lives for the better. The common factor is, that we ALL have the choice!

Therefore, I get very cross when organisations make compulsory choices for their work staff. The only choice the people have, are to go along with what their employers want, or to leave the job that they really enjoy. This is often thrust upon them through bureaucracy, and inflexibility.

Take 'team building' for instance.  Lots of companies have team building days which are said to be beneficial to all and are supposed to bring a team of co-workers together. But there are also people who are the greatest team members, who feel very uncomfortable with "role play", and feel that this 'forced' day of bonding is a total waste of time. Unfortunately though, it is a 'compulsory' day, where they have to attend even though it makes them feel humiliated, even though they disagree with its principles. Because they seem to have no choice.
Wouldn't it be great if every employer respected their loyal employee enough to be able to make their own choice to attend a 'team building day', instead of telling them they have to.

Me, I love role play, so if I had the choice, I would attend these days, happily. I may not agree that it will change the way a team works together in everyday employment, but because I love to interact with others, and like to understand how people find their way around obstacles, in ways that maybe I hadn't thought of...But that is me.  I feel strongly that if someone who does not want to attend, and in fact finds the whole role play thing a total embarrassment and a waste of their time, should have the choice to not take part.

Choice should be made compulsory in the workplace, and not when it suits the employer......
Rant over....Have a nice day xxx