Thursday, 24 January 2013

Observations Friday 25 January 2013

Good morning.........

When I woke up this morning, it was dark and cold and all I wanted to do was snuggle down back under the duvet. I did succumb to this for a while, and when I next looked out of the window, it was light, and the frost had coated the trees and plants, and made everything so beautiful. It's amazing when we are in the darkness, and we can't see beyond, how easy it is to think negative thoughts. When the light is switched on however, it is a different story, and today really made me ponder over darkness and light.

When we find ourselves in a dark place, we feel everything and everyone is against us, and that it can be an uphill struggle just to put one foot in front of the other, easier to just hide under the covers. When something, or someone switches the light on (however dim) it gives us the encouragement to make the effort to make that light brighter. With help, we allow that brightness back into our lives, and things seem less impossible to cope with.

Shining a torch into a darkened room picks out an object and shows it to the light, allowing that object to show its colour and shape to the torch holder. That can be a daunting thing because on its own, that one object can seem big and bold in a sea of dark shadows. All we have to do, is adjust the torch to show more width and spread of light, allowing the whole room to become brighter. Then we can see everything in perspective, and that object blends in with the rest of the room, and so becomes less scary. To take this even further, that dull but lightened room becomes even brighter when the sun shines into it, and you see things in a different light again. Colours become brighter and more vivid, light bounces off of surfaces and throws shafts of colour across a room that was once mundane and drab, and everything, well seems so much more hopeful.

There are many people in this big wide world that want to show you that light, expand it to help you out of the darkness and guide you towards a bright and positive future, and we are just waiting for you to contact us in whatever way you can. Even if its a comment on facebook, a private message, a telephone call, or a letter written, we want to bring that brightness back into your life.
I hope this has inspired you to take that first step.

 Its amazing what seeing a bit of frost can do on a cold January day ........
You can see how I work on the links below 
Trish xx 

A Bright New Dawn For You And Me


  1. It is so true, we all need light, both physical and metaphysical. Without it we perish and die.
