Monday, 4 February 2013

Spring is Sprung

I decided that it would be nice to take the doggies out for a walk in the sunshine. So dressed up in my weatherproof coat and wellies we go through the ritual of the dogs going berserk whilst I am trying to put their leads on, making sure I have enough "poo bags", and making sure the camera is not about to run out of batteries, which has happened in the past, usually just when I find the best photo in the world!

All set, we eagerly make off up the lanes and onto the field beyond. The farmers get an incentive payment for cutting the grass around the edges of the fields, I think it has something to do with the flora and forna and to help the wildlife. It is also a fantastic place to let the dogs run, and for me (puffing) to keep up, whilst dodging other people's dog poo (something I really hate). As we turn the first corner, I can see my little demons about 1/4 mile ahead. The little one "Maggie" is never too far away, as she is very insecure and thinks I may just disappear into a puff of smoke. The other two could not give a fig, and although are supposed to be ageing pensioners in the dog world, find it very easy to run just out of shouting distance. By the time I have caught up with them, shouting at the top of my voice,puffing and panting,  "Jess" my 14 year old has rolled in the most smelliest of fox poo! "Spud" thinks it is great fun to scrape his back legs in the grass and flick clumps of it behind him, that fly high in the air and land on me and my coat.

So much for my taking some spring photos as the chilly wind gets up and I decide to head for home. I am sure I can feel a few spits of sleet on my cheeks, so putting up my hood we walk back up the lane towards the house. And there I spy it! Peeking out of the hedgerow amongst the ivy and leaves, a tiny delicate Aconite plant, very bright and yellow. I must take one picture to post on my blog, so putting the dog leads down and stepping on them with my right welly to stop the dogs pulling the camera and making it shake, I bend, camera poised, and snap!! I have a lovely spring picture to show that indeed, Spring has Sprung.  This is just about the time a gust of wind blows and the camera slips out of my hand and falls onto the roadside with a crash.  I gingerly picked it up and turn off the power, but the lense wont shut fully. I poke it a bit, and its little eye partially closes like "Johnny Five" in "Close Circuit", when he is beaten up by the nasty man from the bank. I shove it in my pocket and get home as soon as possible, thinking about all sorts of costly repairs or even a new camera. The dogs by now, have their tales between their legs, knowing their walk is almost at an end. Funny that, as on the way out, they were pulling me all the way along this very same lane. Now, sulking they walk beside and behind me, and all I want to do is get home, warm up and give my poor camera some love.

Arriving back home, I have to close the child gate to lock the dogs in the kitchen, whilst I fill the sink with warm water squirted with a dollop of dog shampoo. I tell hubby that I dropped the camera, and he looks poor "Johnny Five" over. I am sure my man has something magical in his hands, as "hey presto", Johnny's little eye gives a blink, closes, then opens up good as new.

So smelly dogs bathed and dried, cuppa in hand, I sit down to write this blog, which was supposed to be about, spring, and flowers.........Baah.

Spring is Sprung (ish)

1 comment:

  1. I remember Johnny Five! Sounds like you had quite a morning!
